Monday, February 4, 2013


What is Gnostic Quimbanda?

The Afro-Brazilian Gnostic Quimbanda religious tradition is a monotheistic "Christian Mystic" system of belief. Monotheism is the belief in "One Supreme God", and a "Christian Mystic" system of belief is a spiritual system which embraces "Jesus Christ", and utilizes the Christ energies in order to manifest our "Divine Will". Initiates of the Afro-Brazilian Gnostic Quimbanda religious tradition refer to God as "Nzambi", or "Nzambi Mpungu". God is also referred to as Nzambi Ntoto which means “The God, Who became man and Who touched and walked the Earth” who is "Jesus Christ". Initiates of our Afro-Brazilian Gnostic Quimbanda religious tradition are taken through a progressive series of ancient Gnostic biblical initiations in which they are presented the Mysteries, Sacred Keys, and Sacred Knowledge which allows the initiate to connect with Nzambi (God) their Highest Self, and walk in balance, and harmony with the Universe, the Earth, and themselves.

For more information and to request a "Free Full Color Brochure" about the Afro-Brazilian Gnostic Quimbanda religious tradition, contact us at

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